Sunday, May 2, 2010

Process and Admiration

When it comes to painting skills, Mark Ryden has them beyond the average human. I've been a long time admirer of this talented artist's abilities and unique perspectives on visual story-telling. He's been copied many many times so if you feel you've seen this subject matter and style before... it's true. I guess copying is the sincerest form of flattery. I only wish less people would accept it as being okay.

Mark had an opening in NYC this weekend that several artist friends were able to attend in-person. I'm rather envious, but hoping when I travel there in 2 weeks I can view the work for myself. yay! NYC, stop flaunting all your wares... I'm ready for you already!

My personal souvenir of Mr. Ryden can be found here: Yearbook Drawing by Mark Ryden


wallspank said...

wow, I love his work, what an amazing video, thanks for posting it.

chickory said...

i agree with you. There are more Mark Ryden wanabees than you can shake a stick at. It takes a lot more than a bloody stuffed toy to make a great painting. Mark is like an old master, with a command of the age of anxiety. a favorite of min. I have the tin of mark ryden paintings i have never my safety deposit box. LOL

How are you? Do you still have blank Kokeshi for sale? i need some "A's"

Gabbi said...

fantastic to be able to see him in action! also, your ny trip sounds great... looking forward to reading about it maybe?

Kanzilue said...

simply amazing!!!! ♥

My Owl Barn said...

That's a lovely painting. Thanks for posting the video!

The Ink House said...

That's awesome! Thanks for sharing :D

Dorotea Time said...

there are lots of mark ryden wannabes but he is the one and only. i love him sooo much. i have big mark ryden poster at my working space. it is so interesting to see how he is working.
everyone things that its made by computer and when i tell him that its oil painting they are really impressed. its kinda sad that everything can be done with a computer now and real paintings cant be appreciated that much anymore (or not recognized as such)